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Refurbishment of changing rooms (known as The Pavilion) including providing a new DDA ramp.

This is a preview of contract notice: Refurbishment of changing rooms (known as The Pavilion) including providing a new DDA ramp. that was published on March 25, 2025. To gain full access you will need to login or start your FREE trial.

Title: Refurbishment of changing rooms (known as The Pavilion) including providing a new DDA ramp.

Stratton St Margaret Parish Council are excited to go out for tender for the Pavilion at Meadowcroft Community Centre, Addison Crescent, Swindon, SN2 7JX.

Meadowcroft Pavilion is currently made up of 2 changing room areas with communal showers, 1 refe...

Published Date: March 25, 2025

Industry Sector: Construction and Property