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The provision of ecological services to carry out boat-based visual surveys for Bottlenose dolphin in the West Connacht Coast SAC

This is a preview of contract notice: The provision of ecological services to carry out boat-based visual surveys for Bottlenose dolphin in the West Connacht Coast SAC that was published on March 25, 2025. To gain full access you will need to login or start your FREE trial.

Title: The provision of ecological services to carry out boat-based visual surveys for Bottlenose dolphin in the West Connacht Coast SAC

As part of Ireland’s conservation obligations concerning cetaceans there is a significant requirement for the monitoring of cetacean occurrence in all Irish waters. The State also has a legal obligation through the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) to monito...

Published Date: March 25, 2025

Industry Sector: Clothing, textiles, fabrics, materials and personal equipment and services