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CA15082 - Tender 21/2024 - Fire Alarm and Intruder Alarms system testing and maintenance

This is a preview of contract notice: CA15082 - Tender 21/2024 - Fire Alarm and Intruder Alarms system testing and maintenance that was published on December 18, 2024. To gain full access you will need to login or start your FREE trial.

Title: CA15082 - Tender 21/2024 - Fire Alarm and Intruder Alarms system testing and maintenance

Newry, Mourne and Down District Council (The Council) invites tenders from suitably qualified and experienced contractors to provide the inspection, maintenance, testing & remote monitoring of Fire Alarm and Intruder Alarm Systems at various Council f...

Published Date: December 18, 2024

Industry Sector: Maintenance and Repair