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United Kingdom-Sedgefield: Framework for the Provision of PPE, Workwear, Safety Equipment and Signage and Janitorial Supplies

This is a preview of contract notice: United Kingdom-Sedgefield: Framework for the Provision of PPE, Workwear, Safety Equipment and Signage and Janitorial Supplies that was published on June 16, 2024. To gain full access you will need to login or start your FREE trial.

Title: United Kingdom-Sedgefield: Framework for the Provision of PPE, Workwear, Safety Equipment and Signage and Janitorial Supplies

CPI are looking to appoint several Contractors for the supply of their Framework for the Provision of PPE, Workwear, Safety Equipment and Signage and Janitorial Supplies. It is envisaged that this Contract will cover the following areas:• Workwear• PPE Eq...

Published Date: June 16, 2024

Industry Sector: Clothing and Equipment